
Jillian Micheals - Newsom Commentary "Spot On" ( Los Angeles )

Ms. Michaels spoke candidly yesterday to the national media regarding the reckless and incompetent California Governor Gavin Newsom. She was "Spot On" and more. All we can say is Please; Repeat your message and use your platform to plead to the Federal Government to not DIRECTLY give any emergency funding to California. Set up a federal managed relief program For all Fire related disaster victims. All needs to be managed at the Federal level in this case.

Ms. Michaels is on to Newsom as many of us in California have been for some time now. If California receives any disaster monies directly from the Federal government; Newsome and company will squander (As in the past) large portions of it for non fire related programs. Just a reminder Gov Newsoms reckless tax money management has California in a 84+ Billion deficit in 2024. He needs to cover the extreme losses somewhere. "Aunt Nance" is gone now so the past cash cow from the Federal Government is no longer available to cover his reckless spending losses. We simply cannot allow Newsom to continue any diverting of funds for any projects other then what said funds were intended for. As we know in 2024 there was 20+ billion that went into the states homeless program that Newsom can't account for. Billions were allocated for the "Fantasy Bay Bullet Train" project that has still gone NO Where other then into cronies and friends pockets. No New Reservoir projects, fire system projects, fire prevention projects, forestry management; Many State highways, infrastructure and State Parks falling apart etc etc. SO Embarrassing.
We simply cannot afford to allow said mismanagement to continue. No more diverting funds for campaigns, special interests, friends, cronies, personal gains of any kind.
Please Federal Government; Do not give any more money to California. Corrupt Newsom and company will Squander it.
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